Thursday, October 05, 2006


I chose Invisible to Transparent as my blog title because it best sums up the journey of my life thus far. I have been a Christian since childhood and yet it has only been in recent years that I have begun to fully grasp the love that has grasped me. Sadly, I spent years of my life on the center stage, pouring out a message that had not fully saturated me. Constantly seeking moments in the sun for the warm feeling I craved. I look back and shudder at my arrogance, realizing that my own desires hindered me from being overly useful to God - insecurity (or pride - depending upon your point of view) painted me invisible.

Now, years into the journey and steps down the road, I have begun the transformation that matters most. Being who God created me to be, realizing I will occasionally trip and fall, but knowing that the wounds will heal and the scars will remind me of whose I am.

So, this is me, Karen, from Invisible to Transparent.


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